Invest In Pittsfield

Advocating for a healthy, just, and safe future for Pittsfield, MA

Read this information below for everything you need to know about reducing the FY22 Pittsfield Police Department budget.

We want the funding and tools to invest in a just, healthy, and safe future for Pittsfield. This vision does not include the 3.5% budget increase for the Pittsfield Police Department, or a $55 million new police station.

We are encouraging residents and stakeholders of Pittsfield to advocate for a just, healthy, and safe future for the city that does not prioritize the policing of its residents over the needs for affordable housing, robust public transportation, education, and more. We have put together a list of action items that you can take over the next several days to make your voice heard.

1.) Sign the Petition encouraging the City Council to reject Phase 1 of the new police station project.

During the FY22 budget season in June 2021, Mayor Linda Tyer has proposed $500,000 in the Capital Improvement Plan budget for New Police HQ Design & Planning. This is Phase 1 of three phases over the next three fiscal years with an additional $5,000,000 being proposed in FY23 for continued design and planning, and $50,000,000 in FY24 for the construction of a "New Police HQ Facility and Campus."

This does not align with the values of Pittsfield, or with the needs of the community and we ask that the Pittsfield City Council reject these budget proposals and that Mayor Tyer and the City of Pittsfield invest in areas of Pittsfield that will improve the quality of life for all of our residents, such as housing, child care, education, our environment, transportation, and job opportunities.


2.) Email Mayor Tyer and Members of the City Council

It's important to let the Mayor and City Council know that Pittsfield wants a say in its future. We are encouraging Pittsfield residents and stakeholders to contact all members of the City Council and Mayor Tyer.


3.) Make a Public Comment at the Budget Hearings

While sending a message to their inboxes is great, it's easy for them to filter those messages out or just delete them and never acknowledge that they were received. It's critical to make our voices heard in the actual budget hearing. The Pittsfield Police Department budget is being discussed on Tuesday, June 1 at 6 PM and the Capital Improvement Plan budget (which features the proposed new police station) is being discussed on Wednesday, June 2 at 6 PM.



We will be hosting a drop-in informational session on Zoom on Monday, May 31 to answer your questions or to provide more context for what we are organizing for. Sign up here if you'd like to join!

This site and these tools are the work of a coalition of Pittsfield residents and stakeholders
working toward a just, equitable, thriving city.